Thursday, November 27, 2008

Spirits Capturing Unity Documentary

This is a documentary in production, It describes the view of many Wedding Videographers, and their Mind sets on producing a product that future generations would view as a future heirloom.

I took this subject to produce a documentary. I used weddings videos as many other filmamkers to gain extra income to get equipment to produce films and movies. while shooting over 150 weddings I found that I became some what over attached to producing the best wedding documentation.

To me a wedding is a silly ritual, but it does hold a very pivotal transition in people life's. I believed the best way to shoot a wedding is to act like the great grand child. I have no idea who these people are but they know they are related.

I came up with the name when think of cherubs, and when you watch a movie you are viewing it as a spirit that is just observing and not able to interact.

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